Sonic Boom. 2003
Direction, choreography & scenography Wim Vandekeybus
Text Peter Verhelst
Additional texts Ultima Vez, Joop Admiraal, Kitty Courbois & Titus Muizelaar
Music David Eugene Edwards (16 Horsepower, Woven Hand) & others
Created with & performed by Joop Admiraal, Kitty Courbois, Titus Muizelaar and eight performers of Ultima Vez: Robert M. Hayden, Ina Geerts, Laura Arís Alvarez, Elena Fokina, Jozef Frucek, Germán Jauregui Allue, Linda Kapetanea, Thomas Steyaert
Also created with Thi-Mai Nguyen
Artistic assistant Eduardo Torroja
Assistant to Wim Vandekeybus Greet Van Poeck
Light creation Wim Vandekeybus, Ralf Nonn
Technical coordination & light engineer Ralf Nonn
Sound design & engineer Benjamin Dandoy
Stage management & props Daniel Huard
Extra technician on tour Jan Olieslagers
Styling & costumes Isabelle Lhoas
Assistant styling & costumes Frédéric Denis
Assistants scenography Daniel Huard, Sascha Van Riel
Production manager Harm Witteveen
Dresser Gavin Janet
Set constructed by Workshop Toneelgroep Amsterdam (Alex Daas, Jan Van Dalfsen, Rob Stoffers, Joop Reesen, Theo Van Rooy, Ellen Windhorst, Karin Heslinga)
Costumes made by Workshop Toneelgroep Amsterdam (Farida Bouhbouh, Wim Van Vliet, Renske Kraakman)
Photography Chris van der Burght
Intern Maaike Loncke
Production Toneelgroep Amsterdam & Ultima Vez
Co-production Festival de Marseille; PACT Zollverein/Choreographisches Zentrum NRW; Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Ultima Vez is supported by the Flemish Community.