Castaway farewells

Despedida (Farewell) is the new choreographic work of Nadia Adame, a project for five dancers emerged from a very personal experience: the death of a friend in an unexpected manner. A few years before the surreal tumult that dominated the world of art in the twenties, the Catalan poet Joan Salvat Papasseit wrote that nothing is petty and we live without giving that we need to die to be reborn. Dancer and choreographer Nadia Adame confronts us at this at once beautiful and harsh reality. We are survivors of our farewell on drifting life.

Multifaceted artist, her words and works radiate a vital enthusiasm as well as a detailed view of her own interior and all of which are all part. "When a choreographer checked me the steps, I don't like repeating it more than twice because I like to keep it fresh", confessed in an interview for TVE where I discovered her and she fascinated me. Dancer from the seven years and also unique being since she was born, a car accident at age 14 which has marked her with partial paralysis but also a new and great instinct for overcoming that far from abandoning the dance on the road has led it to dancing on stages from around the world. Her mother once told her everything has solution less death and Nadia gives in each job her own life through her movements.

The road to overcoming led her to want to leave her own environment so she finally decided to move to study in the United States. Years later, she returned to Madrid but he moved again away to London and by that time with her own company, Cia. Y, because the major part of her projects always came from out Spain. Her company creates dance works but also film and theatre, producing works for new creators and also social ones. Her light is arriving so far away because it deeply creeps inside us.

She has, as always, many projects between hands and there is Despedida. “En esta obra de danza, la idea de despedida está presente y nos lleva por diversos caminos coreográficos.  Dúos, tríos y solos nos muestran las diferentes despedidas del ser humano, unas tristes y otras felices.   Por los caminos que nos separan naufragamos hasta lejanos horizontes,  Sin decir adiós nos despedimos.  Con la mirada nos besamos y con el cuerpo nos amamos.  La vida nos trajo y la vida nos lleva, nos empuja a tirarnos por el abismo del destino.  No seré igual sin ti, ni tú sin mí, pero el recuerdo que nos invade seguirá en todo lo que tocamos, en todo lo que miramos en todo lo que escuchamos.   El temor que nace de los cambios profundos, del vacío que queda al derrumbarse los parámetros que sostienen nuestras vidas.  Esta es mi despedida sin lágrimas, sin llanto, sin tristeza”. But there I am myself, far to enjoy their projects while eager to do so. Such force and talent reaches us all despite being far from her.

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Photos in order of appearance by Matt Gilmore, Eduardo Gragera y Paloma Parra