Amistad silente is the brand new work by Julieta Triangular as a promotional clip for the Denver song El corazón de Andrés. She defines her work as “experimentos cromáticos en pentagramas musicales” but all those experiments go much further. Her films are a deep inner experience and make all us feel as the main character of her last film, poets looking for our own identity.

Which is our identity? Does it really exist? Perhaps it’s just a rash to think we all have an identity just because we all are aware of our individual existence. Maybe that research is a futile one or maybe that identity is created in the course of it. As the Spanish poet Antonio Machado once wrote “caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar”. And the road drawn by Julieta Triangular is really fascinating and full of poetry. Every video she creates has a visual audacity that turns every slot in a poem. Every colour is a wonder.

Her Amistad silente was born as a consequence of one of her own poems. “Como suele suceder en mis trabajos la idea surge de un poema utilizando  la palabra como base, la imagen se compone  a partir de la pregunta  ¿qué pasará cuando el poeta invada la luna? El poeta de la historia es un ser que ha perdido la inspiración, ya no tiene sobre que escribir, por lo que busca hacerse daño, reventarse la boca intentando alcanzar las estrellas, quiere reconstruir su vida,  su poema”. A reconstruction trip in which Julieta creates new universes complemented with old NASA’s documentaries reworked in a colourful way.

The original poem shows us a creativity hungry poet who decides to invade the moon looking for a source of inspiration. But he hurts himself in order to find poetry in pain. “Caminando sobre calles de espejos que como en Alejandra Pizarnik le permiten ver su reflejo de animal herido, se da cuenta que debe ser más persistente en su cacería y si desea calmar sus ansias de depredador, debe ir por el único ser que falta por ser devorado, su propio corazón”. It’s self-destruction as the only possible door in front of the impotence of being beyond ourselves without knowing who we really are.

That project has been made by Julieta Triangular in the Colectivo Ladradores de Ojos along with the Colectivo Lepidópteros. The song El corazón de Andrés by Denver is the perfect vehicle for that poetic trip of impotence in the fight for the own image when, reflected in the daily mirror, it leaves us nothing more than a jail that we are not able to recognize. It’s a real spiritual chromatic.

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Video and slots by Julieta Triangular