Alma mater

She dances on the mystery of life with an incessant passion. Sensual in her poetry, full of humor and eroticism, elegant and timeless aesthetic, lives surrounded by the smoke of art whose cigars she rolls with a meticulous creativity to smoke them slowly just before the carnal outburst. Once there, it's all possible. She translates her instinct into music, photography, painting, poetry and life. That room is a place to be lost, if she lets you in, and eroticism emerges in every word, every whisper, every look as endless fields of accurate lights as a dagger or an unforgettable caress. She looks of understanding. L'Ame erotique.

Are you for real?

What do you think?!!  

Music, painting, acting…is life enough?

Not enough time in the day, that’s for sure.

One of your paintings is called “Giving sex for free”. Do you think sex is an open door to freedom?

Desire is, in a way, but this is a statement about love – love can only be given for free.

Your brand new album is “L’Ame Erotique”. Where does your erotic soul come from?

This was the concept for my first art exhibition; men often (more than women) find it hard to marry love and eroticism – my work and concern comes from failed relationships and therefore the quest for understanding.

You sing to the “Saint orgasm”. Is orgasm a mystic experience?

Of course.

“...sour sugar...give me my pray...”. What do you pray for?

I pray for better understanding between people.

“With my blonde” video is introduced as made “in the name of ART, LOVE, TRUTH, PLEASURE AND FREEDOM. It stands against DOMINATION - Its cost is STYLE, PERSISTENCY, FRIENDSHIP AND LOTS OF BELIEF FOR A WORLD WITH MORE JUSTICE“. Are social conventions, including the sexual ones, made for domination?

Well I do think we are often taken for a ride – including how we should live our sexual lives – it would be good to see people think for themselves.

Surrealism has a main role on your art. Fantasy, imagination, dream and reality... Any boundary between them?

They are all art.

“X Amount” says “I want to fuck you and be the best, I want you to fuck me and put me to the test...I want to suck you and then eat your cream...”. Then you recite some words with an X: X file, seX, eXecution... X is also a symbol of mystery and banning. Why is banning linked to pleasure?

This poem has also a little humour to it, like a lot of what I do; in this case, this was a poem written for a boy/man I could not have –therefore, somehow, an erotic forbidden desire.

“E-rotica de toi” plays in its title with the current electronic ways of enjoying sex from anonymity. What do you think about cyber sex?

Well, it’s an oxymoron; you can fantasize on the net, but not have sex- good question by the way.

What does sex penetration mean to you?

It means.

“Sulfur” shows you whispering about la petite mort as a burning experience. Is life a self-destruction experience?

Well: sex, love, and vice versa, no, not an easy experience. But, then, you wouldn’t want it to be easy – the best things aren’t.

“Let love save us” is a painting where you claim against domination again. What is love?

“What is this thing called love?”... I spend my life redefining it – it is a complex cocktail, composed of various ingredients, different ones for different tastes... but yes... it will save us.

Puis-je entrer dans ta danse?

Bien sur!... Plus on est de fous plus on rit!!! ...

And I can’t stop dancing not only looking for flesh but for the feline soul who redefines love again and again.

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Photo by Anne Pigalle