Laugh and pain

To see the film Leave you in me (2008) by Dutch Doscher is to rediscover the passion for film and realise the power that the cinema may have to remove consciences. From a black and white minimalist staging, the strength of its two protagonists makes us crudely live the scene of a couple on the verge of rupture. The actress Sarah Jaye played the main female role becoming awarded as the Best Actress at the New York City Picturestart Film Festival and the Los Angeles Show Off Your Short Film Festival, getting also nominated at the Method Fest that year. Since then she has been combining drama and comedy in television, on primetime series like Ghost Whisperer and Mental, and even in web series, collaborating in so many different projects and also producing her own scripts. The most recent ones are her work as an actress on the acclaimed Keeping Up With the Downs and Painfully Palin which she writes, produces and stars creating a caustic parody of Sarah Palin after her Vice President candidature campaing. Sarah Jaye wants to make us laugh and think.

Your debut was on the shorfilm “Leave you in me” by Dutch Doscher, a deeply hard drama. How did you live that story of a love on the emotional edge?

It was a difficult role. At first when I read it however, I was completely compelled. It's very heavy but also very real. About a couple with an infidelity situation. I think a lot of people can relate to that.
I had to let go of my sense of humor a bit for that, because it was such a grave scenario.
And scary. When I was first introduced to the project and told that it was full nudity, I was hesitant. But because of the strength of Michael Darrin Cohen's script I read for it. I met Dutch Doscher the director at the audition and immediately knew I was working with a professional and no pervert ha.
He's a family guy who'd directed many kids specials. He needed to do something weighty and "Leave You In Me" was the project.

Do you think we are able to keep our mind naked and completely open when we are in love?

It's difficult. What do the say, Love is blind?
And when emotions get involved, we may have thoughts that are colored by our emotional state.

Are you inspired by your personal experiences at work?

When I'm acting I do not intentionally use what some methods do which is "substitution". Replacing a scenario in a scene with a real life past experience. The only tool I have is my own vessel, my body, my experience, but I had a great acting teacher that really taught me how we are all part of the human experience, and because of our capability for compassion, we can experience almost anything through that kind of understanding.
I rarely think about my own life when I'm working. I soak in the alternate reality.

Do you think comedy is in its best period?

Well, that's pretty subjective. There are some great comedies of past, as far back as Charlie Chaplin. I do think that comedy has gotten a strong response in recent years from audiences. In the U.S. we're going through an economic depression, very high unemployment rates. A lot of people without work need somewhere to go to laugh. They may not be so interested in watching a war drama or cancer story. Make 'em laugh.
I love stand-up comedy for that reason. It's a visceral release. A lot of the emotions you experience when watching a drama are internal, introverted feelings. But laughter is outside of yourself, you have to open your mouth when you're laughing hard. It's good for the soul.

What is more funny, lifeguards or zombies?

Depends how short the lifeguards shorts are.


It's true. On "Lifeguards vs Zombies" they were wearing some pretty tight red shorts. Either funny or scary. That's a question, which is scarier?


I am always more scared of short shorts on guys than I am of zombies.

Me too.

Haha But you're European, it's okay over there right? See, I think if I was in Europe I would have to adhere to those standards, ha!

Come here, we have a lot of zombies.

Haha Scary!

Tell me about your web projects. Is it easier to develop a new project on Internet?

Well it's definitely more immediate. To produce a film takes time, especially when you get to the distribution phase. You have to wait for the festivals, the screenings, the buyer, the release. On the internet, as soon as it's cut, it's up!
But as far as the production side, it's the same work. There are all of the same production elements required.

What about the acclaimed “Keeping Up With the Downs”?

Very exciting! I love that project. Yes it won Best New Web Series at the San Francisco New Media Festival last year. I am actually going to be on set next week to begin shooting the next episodes.
I am not producing on that, I am just acting. It is a very funny script and the cast is talented. I hope it does well.

And finally you became Sarah Palin. Isn't she too painful to be funny?

Quite to the contrary! The reason I'm doing Painfully Palin is because she is so funny. An easy target really. She is a caricature of herself. She's making my job easy.

Why did you decide to parody Sarah Palin?

When Palin was up for Vice President with McCain, I was wearing my hair up and my glasses a lot. People kept saying, "Wow! You look just like Sarah Palin!"
And then I came to a point where I wanted to produce something in the musical comedy genre. I am a singer, and used to work in musical theatre a lot. So I thought why not combine Sarah Palin with that idea.

Aren’t too many Palins in this world?

Well the good news is this: Painfully Palin isn't just a satire on Palin and her illogical ways. We are creating an alternate reality completely. A whole world. So it's the look and sound of Palin, with some of her quirky habits, but her world is the fiction version of 1996 Wasilla Alaska. As the series develops, you will see that I am not out to villainize her. In fact, I appreciate her humanity. She's not perfect. In the series, you'll see her as a wife, a mother, and as a professional. It will all be there. "Fictional".

In one of fer fictional sexual fantasies, she sings to Superman "Don’t worry Superman, this will not hurt…much”. Don’t you want to hurt anything? Neither some ideas?

Hm...what do you mean?

Don't you use that parody in order to break some conventions, some traditional rules or political ideas?

Ah yes. Well Palin of course is such a conservative. She's a leader of the Tea Party movement. She puts her ideals in front of her and charges full force without really being able to properly articulate, in a logical manner, the thinking behind it. So yes, we will be challenging and making light of much of her doctrine.

So you want to make us laugh and think.

Both of the above yes. I think it will be serving to see her political philosophy a little bit twisted comedically.

Was it hard to imitate her accent and ways?
Actually it came quite naturally. I come from Wisconsin, which is a state that has a somewhat nasal vocal inflection, not unlike Palin's. It was eerily easy. And incredibly fun. Definitely the most fun I've ever had on camera.

You also write, produce and star the “Painfully Palin” series. Isn’t it too much?

Haha sometimes. But then I force myself to step away. I also find that when I am feeling the "too much" syndrome, it is usually that I am taking myself too seriously. This isn't brain surgery. No one's life is on the table. It's comedy. That helps me take the pressure off myself when it feels overwhelming.

And can we expect a long life for "Painfully Palin"?

I hope so! Right now it's about subscribers. I definitely see a long storyline in the plot. As I said, we have some rich characters already and no one is going away that was in the first episode. The world is very alive, this 1996 Wasilla. There will be depth as the series continues, it won't be "Palin does this funny thing" followed by "Palin does that funny thing". People will be able to wonder what's going to happen next?
So please everyone subscribe! We'll make it worth your time!
We are already shooting the next segment in fact. And I'm very excited about the cast. We have Kevin Farley prepared to play a major recurring role. He is a wonderful actor. It is going to be all about the colorful characters in this Alaskan small town.

I'm really wondering what's going to be next. Zombies, lifeguards in pretty tight red shorts, Palin in love with Superman... Your life is a kind of crazy wonderland?

Haha Sarahland. I do have a flourishing imagination.

Hahaha. It's obvious your mind is full of crazy and funny ideas, but how do you combine them with performing deep dramas?

The deep dramas are cathartic for me. I have to get very real about feelings most of us avoid, the dark side of the emotion spectrum, sadness, fear, guilt, anger, jealousy...I am drawn to those roles because a lot of times they allow you to behave in ways you could not behave in your own life, without consequence.

You are a really talented singer. Have you any musical recording project?

I will record an album at some point. I have been talking about it with a producer.

Could you sing your favourite song? Or write some verses from it?

"Been over a year now, trying to show you how I know you don't need it but I want to help. Stubborn and headstrong, been alone so long...making your own road in this life is a system I know well."

Interview by Juan Carlos Romero
First photo by Theo&Juliet, second courtesy of Sarah Jaye
Painfully Palin Series in youtube/painfullypalin