Unicorn tears

To enter the world of Sasha Baranovskaya is to discover a reality full of quick sketches and surreal characters, living landscapes in vibrant watercolors and postal tattooed girls, photo portraits in retro colors and young sisters sharing a unique soul. Sasha reveals the root of wild imagination, her creativity is full of Enlightenment spiders and stars mourned by unicorns that show us the rainbow all good people have inside. Sasha Baranovskaya lives to draw clouds with a nervous system raining ideas each moment, she breathes to create a new world.

Are you a nervous cloud?

This is just one of my usernames and it doesn’t mean anything. Well, except that i’m nervous a little, haha!

Who are your younger sisters? Maybe creativity is one of them?

Younger sisters it’s me actually,  that’s name of my art project or maybe it’s my future brand, who knows? I can’t remember why and when I invented this, but sounds good, isn’t it?

Do you prefer to photograph reality or draw your imagination?

Think I don’t find my ultimate style yet, so my drawings are so different. I love cartoon style and I love photograph realism, so I can’t choose one of them. I just see the picture in my head and try to reproduce it totally.

Do you always work by hand?

I have a tablet and you can see some drawings by me in bitmap, but drawings by hand  are more lively I think. Sometimes I convert works by hand into vector or bitmaps. You can see some not-by-hand works in my portfolio on Behance.

Could you tell us about Sad Garry?

This is my little story about beauty isn’t good always. This is very cute and beauty boy who looks like a girl and this is why he is so unhappy.

There’s also The Amazing Breadman. Do you create all those characters?

Yeah, they all came out of my head.

Your watercolour series is probably the dreamiest one. Are you a dreamer?

Totally. And  also I’m idealist. Everybody have dreams, yeah? I’m not an exeption.

How do you imagine yourself in ten years?

Oh. All what I want is to do what I like to do and this is my perfect future. The rest doesn’t matter.

Tell us your favourite colour and what it means to you.

So hard! Well, my  favorite summer color is mint. It’s so fresh and a little retro and it reminds me how I was a child.

Sasha Baranovskaya . Caramel waterfalls
A works selection here

Interview by Juan Carlos Romero 
Art pieces by Sasha Baranovskaya

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