
 David Tarrason© Stockmann

It was the opening day and the excitement in the Sala Muntaner of Barcelona could not be higher. The room was filled with both public and excitement about the new project of the company Les Antonietes after the good reception of their previous Molt soroll per res  based on the work Much ado about nothing of William Shakespeare. Because Les Antonietes not just dumped their gaze to some of the most important playwrights of history but also investing their creativity in making a profound reinterpretation with a deep personality. Now is the turn of Henrik Ibsen and his work En folkefiende (An enemy of the people) originally published in 1882. Its protagonist is Dr. Thomas Stockmann who oversees the water quality of their city spa on whose activity depends exclusively. The battle between the firmness of his principles and the individual interests conveniently confused with the collective ones becomes the plot of a play that Les Antonietes have recognized as written yesterday for today and even tomorrow. Or for ever, as if we decide to avert our gaze from the mediocre mud we all are part of or face him.

The cocktail Stockmann (using the promotional poster image of the work) was poured slowly, with a steady dropping of each of the ingredients, perhaps with some nerve out of place in the form of an occasional hesitation, but never losing form or fluidity . Directed by Oriol Tarrasón and with Bernat Quintana impersonating Stockmann with fortitude although giving him an idealistic youth air with all its advantages but also the problem of vision of the age, that is, its ephemeral nature. Still, he’s deeply convincing at the time that twists the image of most mass describing it as mediocre. Superb. Pep Ambrós represents the mayor and juggling card-sharp of the particular and the collective interests in a subtle and detailed work. Questioning the role of the media, also subject to its own interests in reading the information, with the malleable editor under the great work of the actress Mireia Illamola, also plays a role in this work that flawlessly portrays us each of the members of that body we call society. With the wonderful cast completed  with Annabel Castan, Stockmann’s wife, and Arnau Puig, Les Antonietes continue and succeed.

Texto de Juan Carlos Romero
Les Antonietes website www.lesantonietes.com 
Photo by David Tarrasón
Courtesy of Les Antonietes
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