
Released 14 February 2013

An album by Philippe Petit: processed acoustics/field recordings + electronics + turntables & glass manipulations + percussions

01) The neon woman 

(Graham Massey: clarinet bass / Hervé Vincenti: guitar) 

02) Abraxas 
(Jérome Paressant: soprano + bass clarinets / guitar / electronics) 

03) A swirling mix of dystopia 
(Andy Diagram: trumpet / Charles-Eric Charrier : bass / Remi Bellin: guitar / Cyril Secq: guitar / Ronan Benoit: drums) 

04) Blossoming krokus 
(Bela Emerson: cello / Els Vandeweyer: vibraphone / Perceval Bellone: saxophone / Hervé Vincenti: oscillatin' bass) 

05) A swirling mix of utopia 
(Graham Massey: clarinet bass / Charles-Eric Charrier : bass / Remi Bellin: guitar / Cyril Secq: guitar / Ronan Benoit: drums) 

06) Do not follow your own shadow... 
(Raphaelle Rinaudeo: electric harp / Ulrike Haage: piano / Perceval Bellone: saxophone / Hervé Vincenti: oscillatin' bass + guitar) 

07) ... Beyond the mist (Raphaelle Rinaudeo: electric harp / Ulrike Haage: piano / Perceval Bellone: clarinet)

Philippe Petit website
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