CCCB | Les variacions de Sebald


Les variacions Sebald
Las variaciones Sebald / Sebald Variations

Carlos Amorales
Black Cloud, 2007
25.000 papallones nocturnes de paper
Col·lecció de Diane i Bruce Halle
© Carlos Amorales / The Collection of Diane and Bruce Halle

Simon Faithfull
0º00 Navigation, 2009
vídeo i super 8 transferit a dvd, 55 minuts
© Simon Faithfull

Simon Faithfull
0º00 Navigation, 2009
vídeo i super 8 transferit a dvd, 55 minuts
© Simon Faithfull

Simon Faithfull
0º00 Navigation, 2009
vídeo i super 8 transferit a dvd, 55 minuts
© Simon Faithfull

Andrea Geyer 
Gezeiten, 2015
Vídeo d´alta definició, so, 46 minuts, loop
© Andrea Geyer

Susan Hiller
Judenweg, Neufra
Country Roads, 2003
sèrie de 10 fotografies
© Susan Hiller

Ulleres de W.G. Sebald
© Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

Caixa amb manuscrits, imatges i postals de Austerlitz de W.G. Sebald, 2001
© Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

Retrat de W.G. Sebald per Jan Peter Tripp, 2000.
© Jan Peter Tripp

Mà de Sebald amb papallona nocturna
© Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

Trevor Paglen
NSA/GCHQ Surveillance Base, Bude, Cornwall, UK, 2014
Impressió amb pigments, edició 4/5
Silverberg Family Collections, Cortesia de Pettit Art Partners

Trevor Paglen
An English Landscape (American Surveillance Base near Harrogate, Yorkshire), 2014
C-print,  edició 5/5
Cortesia de l´artista i Metro Pictures, Nova York

Guido van der Werve
Nummer veertien, home, 2012
vídeo 4k, Polònia, Holanda, Alemanya, França, Egipte, Índia i Grècia, 54 minuts
© Guido van der Werve

Jeremy Wood
My Ghost, 2015
Giclée sobre seda
© Jeremy Wood

Les variacions de Sebald. 2015

All works by the noted artists

An exhibition produced and organised by CCCB | Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

Exhibition opens as part of the KOSMOPOLIS 2015 Festival

From 11 March 2015 to 26 July 2015

Exhibition is curated by the writer and cultural critic Jorge Carrión and the New York-based artist, cultural educator and writer Pablo Helguera. 

The exhibition “Sebald Variations” in which the German writer and author of some of the key books of the turn of the last century will become the linking thread in questioning the history of the 20th century and its impact on the 21st century.

The exhibition shows works by the following artists: Carlos Amorales, Mariana Castillo Deball, Simon Faithfull, Andrea Geyer, Pablo Helguera, Núria Güell, Susan Hiller, Josiah McElheny, Trevor Paglen, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Taryn Simon, Jan Peter Tripp, Guido Van der Werve,  Jeremy Wood. It will also include contributions from the following writers: Piedad Bonnett, Jorge Carrión, Julià de Jòdar, Reinaldo Laddaga, Valeria Luiselli.

Video by CCCB

All images and video courtesy of CCCB
All rights reserved