ARI ANN WIRE | Midnight songs


Midnight songs. 2015

All music performed by Ari Ann Wire

Voice: Ari Ann Wire
Piano: Matías Muñoz
Double Bass: Jorge Da Rocha
Drums: Joao Vieira
Trumpet: Pol Padrós
Arrangements: Jorge Da Rocha, Joao Vieira, Matías Muñoz, Ari Ann Wire & Dave Bianchi.
Songs “Mdnight Flowers” and “Earth of the Snow” written by Ari Ann Wire and composed by Jorge Da Rocha, Joao Vieira, Matías Muñoz & Ari Ann Wire.
Production, Post-production: Dave Bianchi.
Recorded at Estudi Laietana, Jordi Vidal, December 2014 and voices by Dave Bianchi, January 2015. Barcelona, Spain. Mixed by Dave Bianchi. Mastered by Kelly Hibbert. Released February 2015. Label: Whatabout Music. Artwork: Jofre Moreno. 

All rights reserved. 2015.