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Between wish and reality

Marina Moskalenko 
Photo courtesy of the artist
All rights reserved

Marina Moskalenko is an artist born in Bryansk, Russia, in 1990. Since she was a little child she felt attracted by artistic creation. She started her artistic studies at 10 at the Art school in Bryansk and in 2005 she took already part in the International competition of children's creativity "Spiritual your treasures. World and War” and in the International festival of the modern art of N. Roslavts and N. Gabo just one year later. In 2007, she continued her studies at the Art College of Bryansk and since 2011 she is studying at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts while she is developing her own style through an artistic journey that goes between her wishes and her view of reality. She has participated in several exhibitions in Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Poland, Ukraine and Finland and in the creation of children's performances fairy tales, always expanding the ways to express her own creativity.

What’s the most important thing in life for you?

Harmony with oneself and the world is the most important thing for me.  I think if it’s present you get a satisfaction from your life.

And what is art for you?

Art for me is first and foremost an attempt to understand the world and to open myself. It’s a way to establish non-verbal contact with the audience. This is a conversation without words.
Why and when did you decide to express yourself artistically and why through the painting?

It wasn't the easiest way. As a child I had a lot of interests and still in school I started looking for myself. I felt inside myself a creative potential and tried to develop them in literature, music, acting, but I hightailed the fact that I wanted to become an artist. All of those ways I liked. Therefore maybe on a subconscious level I choose the profession of stage designer-it combines all.

What you express through your art comes from your view of reality or the way you wished it was?

I think it's a mix of my wishes and my views of reality.

In your work one can see that you go from figurative to abstract. Is it a kind of evolution or you are still working both styles?

I'm looking for my own style constantly. I think it always be this way. And who knows how real is what we see, perhaps the abstraction is reality.

Your figurative style evokes me the impressionist age. What are your artistic references?

Thank you. I love the impressionists and postimpressionists no less. It’s difficult to distinguish one artist that inspires me. Among all them I think constantly in Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh. Also I choose the works of Ciurlionis.

How do you see the current artistic scene in your country and in the world?

As for me I think that now the art scene is at a transitional moment, it has seemingly been created all what is possible, but the artist continues to seek,and to try to create a new thing The important thing is that there are artists who can think, who have ideas and skills for its realisation. I think the future is for them.
Could you explain me a memory from your childhood?

From my childhood, for example I remember the moments when I was seeking the business for myself, what I wanted to do in my life. I was also very amused with my family and their children's performances with songs and dances.

Marina Moskalenko | A selection of works here

An interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Marina Moskalenko
Photo courtesy of Marina Moskalenko
All rights reserved