The beautiful side of a storm

From Rotterdam, Vera Jessen Juhrend, singer, songwriter and guitarist, along with Peter Jessen, bassist, have created a jewel titled Bubbles & Bones. I discovered her music thanks to her previous album Leave a line, two years ago. It was her debut album and I interviewed her trying to discover the secrets of a talent that has always something, like the title of her first single. Now I must admit she's surprising me in the best sense. Her lyrics are more mature, the arrangements worked along with Peter are more subtle. Definitely, Vera knows what she wants more than ever. She's learning, experiencing life, and the fruit of all those experiences is enriching her songs.Welcome to the Bubbles & Bones of Vera and Peter, lullabies and deep songs emerging among cruelty and the current storms.

From Leave a line to Bubbles & bones. Could you tell us about your way between your last two albums?

The first album consisted mainly of songs I wrote in the period from when I first started writing up until the recording of the 1st album, a time span of about 10 years. With Bubbles & Bones this period was much shorter, about 2 years. Between the two records I learned a lot about music, the industry and what I want from playing and writing. Lots of good stuff.

You describe the sound of the new album as a more pop oriented work. In what sense?

It’s mainly the way we recorded this album. We worked with a different producer this time and we were looking for a more radio friendly sound. The intention and intensity with which we recorded the songs was basically the same though.

The album opens with Lazy people. Is it a social critic?

Hahaha, hmmm... No, if it's anything is self criticism. But it’s nice to hear you can relate to it.

One of the songs you present in our current nau nua festival is Kiss and tell from your latest Bubbles & bones. Is it so important communication in love?

Of course, communication is the key! But the song is more about how a decent girl shouldn’t kiss and tell staying true to herself.

The second song presented is Only you which is not included in any album. Which direction are you taking with your new compositions?

Peter and I do a lot of living room concerts, which we absolutely love. This is why the newest songs are written with that in mind: smaller arrangements and more duets.

Tell us about the recording process of the videos.

Richard Beukelaar, a close friend, already recorded three live videos of us. So we asked him to do three more for this festival. He came up with a terrific décor: an old movie theatre that now houses a really fun second hand clothing shop called Rock‘n Rommel. The two owners are also musicians, so we were able to use this fantastic building to shoot the videos.

Returning to your last album, Bubbles & bones is the album’s title song and a kind of personal ying yang. In that sense, how would you describe your artistic life?

I guess Ying-Yang as well. Sometimes I absolutely hate it! But I try to focus on the lighter, more positive side. I feel so blessed with all the great people I meet and with the awesome gigs I get to do. I think my music is a really representative of my actual life. I try not to dwell in sadness, but I allow it when I’m playing a really dark ballad.

Have you found some cruel judges in your life?

Myself mainly…

Your song Lazy people has been remixed in a dance style. Electronic music will have a place in your upcoming works?

No, maybe we’ll do another remix someday, but my upcoming work contains exactly the opposite.

Imagine an abandoned factory, completely empty. What does it make you feel?

Abandoned places make me want to fill them with life again.

And what would you love to do with it?

I would immediately feel like giving this place back its heartbeat by hosting a great concert there and maybe record a nice atmospheric video. And if you host a concert in a place that is almost empty, there is great acoustics and the audience stays really focussed.


VERA | LEAVE A LINE interview in NAU NUA here

An interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Vera website
Photo courtesy of Vera Jessen Juhrend
All rights reserved