ANITA ZENGEZA | Natural Journey


Natural journey.  2016

An album by Anita Zengeza

Natural Journey is the second album by Anita Zengeza, singer and composer from Zimbabwe based in Barcelona. It introduces the new sound she has been working on with her band and brings a fresh positivity and energy that compliments the sweet nostalgia of her earlier work. The main theme of this album is acceptance - how one must learn to accept the cycles of life and how both the good and bad are a necessary part of the learning process of this personal journey that we are each travelling to the best of our ability. 

Released May 6, 2016 
 Anita Zengeza – vocals Miquel Ubach – electric bass, backup vocals Roger Martini – drums, percussion, backup vocals Pau Figueres - spanish guitar, electric guitar, backup vocals Adri Gonzalez - keyboard Antonio Sánchez Barranco - percussion Gregori Ferrer - accordeon 

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