An opera composed by Florian Leopold Gassmann
Libretto written by Pietro Metastasio, Raniero di Calzabigi

Music direction ¦ René Jacobs
Staging, set design & costumes ¦ Patrick Kinmonth
Lighting ¦ Andreas Grüter
Choreography ¦ Fernando Melo
Dramaturgy ¦ Olivier Lexa
Fallito ¦ Marcos Fink
Delirio ¦ Pietro Spagnoli
Sospiro ¦ Thomas Walker
Ritornello ¦ Mario Zeffiri
Stonatrilla ¦ Alex Penda
Smorfiosa ¦ Robin Johannsen
Porporina ¦ Sunhae Im
Passagallo ¦ Nikolay Borchev
Bragherona ¦ Magnus Staveland
Befana ¦ Stephen Wallace
Caverna ¦ Rupert Enticknap
Orchestra ¦ Baroque Orchestra B’Rock & La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra
Production La Monnaie / De Munt with ARTE
With the support of Allianz 

Video courtesy of ARTE
Filmed live at La Monnaie / De Munt, Brussels
All rights reserved