A way to escape

Bird of Paradise (LisaLeo Records, 2010) fills a lot of spaces. In our ordinary life we create holes inside us that we abandon just because our cowardice.  It was the same situation as kids when we got scolded, we use to negate those spaces, which are really necessaries, just to not accept our fault. Maybe, we’re selling a little bit of our souls every day to the devil we all have inside just for nothing else than a poor smoke, and that means nothing. Is there something else? Yes, there are birds so free that we are unable to recognize them. There are flights over the paradise.

There’s veins of hope in broken things, see my blood re-inflate his wings, I’ll kiss him like a wasp sting and shock him into loving me. A guitar pizzicato precedes the beautiful voice of Sophie Bancroft in the song Occasional China in which she stops in every detail of her beloved. The viola’s solo really thrills giving us the fragility feeling of the never said words that build spaces on the verge of a break up. But tenderness appears in I carried your heart, a personal song by Sophie. Her intonation is so warm telling us time passes by, the earth turns completely around once every day…and still I can see from my front door the same piece of sky. But it’s any piece of sky, it’s the blue that accompanies her each year, the shoulder where she rested so many tired looks and created so many questions fed on her own lights, shadows and silences. That piece of sky will always be with her, wherever she is.

Whispers are important when they arrived loaded down with truth and no need in the love to the other disguise. No smokin’ just accepts the need that admits the bitterness and the egoism with no disguises. I’m waitin’ on you to light me again, I’m waitin’ to you to ignite me again, I need you to drink my musty tears, I need you to light my cigarette, I need you to tell me you’ll always be here. Then, to admit it is to love it.

Again, Sophie in her own words and music brings intensity to her acoustic guitar in the title song of the album. I am a window cleaner, cleaning the people’s eyes, I am a bird of Paradise. Conformism is not enough when she has a deep curiosity living inside her to the full. 
Her voice gets away, she wants to fly beyond her kitchen’s walls. She talks to them in an inert way. They never answer like her piece of sky does because her mind is in a magical and mysterious journey, full of walrus and fools hills.

That feeling is more painful when the geese fly south, feel lost and lonely here, your dreams of yesterday surround me as they fall in dusty silence. Everything is fragile and fearful even at home, but there when I cover my ears I still hear your song and with eyes wide shut I see where I belong and I know that I am home. If we all closed our eyes, her voice would take us back home and we would meet again our piece of blue sky. Just the way she already did it in her previous album Handwritten (2008).

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Photo courtesy of Sophie Bancroft