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Mach dich hübsch!


Isa Genzken, “Nofretete”, 2014
7 Nefertiti plaster busts with glassed on wooden bases, wooden plinths on casters and 4 steel panels
each 190 x 7 x 40 x 50 cm, installation dimensions variable
Courtesy Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York, David Zwirner, New York/London and Hauser & Wirth

Isa Genzken, X-Ray
foto, 100 x 80 cm, privé collectie.
Foto: Gert Jan van Rooij.

Isa Genzken, Schwarz-gelbes Ellipsoid ‘Kümmel’, 1981,
lacquer on wood, 400 x 12 x 8 cm.
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, gift Wim van Krimpen, Amsterdam
© Photo Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Isa Genzken, Empire/Vampire, Who Kills Death (detail), 2002/2003,
installation, 1 of 22 parts, mixed media, 198 x 62 x 45 cm, installation dimensions variable.
Flick Collection / Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Saal 2, 1987,
concrete, plaster and steel, 200 x 98 x 62 cm.
Collection Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Da Vinci, 2003,
4 parts, lacquer on air plane windows, each 129 x 105 x 52 cm.
Collection Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Mach dich hübsch!, 2000,
cardboard, printed paper, newsprint, photographs, transparent foil, stamps, stickers, adhesive tape, fabric tape, felt pen and ball point pen, 
42 x 31 x 5 cm (open: 42 x 63 cm).
Galerie Buchholz
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Five Ears (detail), 1981,
paper, 72.7 x 50 cm.
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
© Photo Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Isa Genzken, Saal 2, 1987,
concrete, plaster and steel, 200 x 98 x 62 cm.
Collection Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Schauspieler, 2013,
mannequin, stool, shoes, wig, wood, fabric, plastic and metal, dimensions variable. Collection Syz, Geneva
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Soziale Fassade, 2002,
metal, plastic and metal foil, 70 x 100 cm.
Ringier Collection, Zürich
© Photo courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin/New York

Isa Genzken, Zwei Lampen, 1994,
lacquer on wood, 200 x 92 cm.
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
© Photo Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Mach dich hübsch! . 2015
All works by Isa Genzken
An exhibition at the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum
November 29, 2015 – March 6, 2016
Curated by Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen
All images courtesy of Stedelijk Museum
All rights reserved