Excavation of the Image – 
Imprint, shadow, spectre, thought

Lina Selander
The Offspring Resembles the Parent, 2015 
© Lina Selander. hd video, colour, mute and sound 12:00 min. 
With Oscar Mangione.

Lina Selander
Silphium, 2014
© Lina Selander. hd video, b/w, mute and sound 22:00 min
With Oscar Mangione.

Lina Selander
Silphium, 2014
© Lina Selander. hd video, b/w, mute and sound 22:00 min
With Oscar Mangione.

Lina Selander
Silphium, 2014
© Lina Selander. hd video, b/w, mute and sound 22:00 min
With Oscar Mangione.

Lina Selander
Lenin's Lamp Glows in the Peasant's Hut, 2011
© Lina Selander. hd video, b/w, mute and sound 23:43 min
Vitrine with radiographs and a stainless steel text plaque.

Lina Selander
Lenin's Lamp Glows in the Peasant's Hut, 2011
© Lina Selander. hd video, b/w, mute and sound 23:43 min
Vitrine with radiographs and a stainless steel text plaque.

Lina Selander
Model of Continuation, 2013
© Lina Selander. hd video, colour, mute and sound 24:31 min.

Lina Selander
Anteroom of the Real, 2011
© Lina Selander. hd video, colour, mute 14:00 min.

Lina Selander
The Offspring Resembles the Parent, 2015 
© Lina Selander. hd video, colour, mute and sound 12:00 min. 
With Oscar Mangione.


Lina Selander: Excavation of the Image – Imprint, shadow, spectre, thought . 2015

All works by Lina Selander . © Lina Selander
Images courtesy of Moderna Museet

Exhibiton at Moderna Museet Stockholm
From 9 April to 22 November
Presented at the Bienale di Venezia 2015

Commissioner: Ann-Sofi Noring
Curator: Lena Essling
With generous support from Lena and Per Josefsson.
With thanks to Kvadrat.

Exhibition architecture by studio nāv Carl Fransson Thomas Paltiel
All rights reserved