
No, we're not Romeo or Juliet, or talk about the director of "Rashomon". No, we have no self-determination or deference to the bearer checks. But we have sensory joys that brighten up the whole dry bread which some call life and do not usually go from sitcom. Life sometimes has the savoir faire enough to knock on the door of artists like Ryoichi Kurokawa. His recent "Rheo" may lead to new landscapes, inspired by the philosophy of ancient Greece, long before the stock market swing. Kurokawa is a complex artist, his work follows ways of visual and audio tracks in high definition making his performances become experiences of sensory whooping. The computer creates music, so we must press ENTER before letting the CTRL + DEL of some people restart us losing our past. Kurokawa's art is to live to see.

Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Still from the triptych film Rheo by Ryoichi Kurokawa
Ryoichi Kurokawa webiste www.ryoichikurokawa.com
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