
The mirrors awakening

About those who get to read this article I know nothing but I consider myself a collage lover although I’m equally ignorant of their future paths. Marcel Dzama, mentor of the ghost of the past, captivated me thanks to this visual technique. But equally strong has been the sound collage from the Futurists to its current devotees, among which I emphasize eRikm, electronic musician and a great flying dishes dreamer in his vibrant concerts. His recent Dos d’ânes (2009), along with Michel Jérôme and Doneda Noetinger, has a homework aroma far away from his concerts experience, where he pours out improvisation with a convulsive spirit. Since his inception in the industrial noise rock guitar, improvisation became his perfect lover for creation. Perhaps his work is the present version of the Poemes en ones hertzianes written by Papasseit.

eRikm is not a musician but an artist of sound. He also plays with the images as a sound because they are the sounds that we can see but not hear. Thus, all the waves are like living organisms and his dance with them is fluently unusual. He maintains a constant pulse between his creative instincts and the public’s patience. Our mind should be fully awake to enjoy his proposals because he’s very demanding. Mainly, he’s demanding with himself and this has been demonstrated in the many projects he has collaborated.

Thanks to him Mirrors never sleep.

Text: Juan Carlos Romero
Video: eRikm and DJ Sniff, Steim
Photo: C. Ducasse