A language for the soul

“L'oubli de soi quand on a été oubliée par l'autre, le désir d'oubli, comme une envie de disparaitre sans laisser de traces aucune et pourtant, envahie par une terrible rage d'exister. Et c'est bien là que je me cache.”

( Selflessness when you've been forgotten by the other, the desire for oblivion, like a desire to disappear without trace and however invaded by a terrible rage to exist. This is where I hide).

An extract from the poem La fuite / The flee by Fabienne Perrier.

Photographer of nearby heavens, disturbing in content and form, Fabienne Perrier writes to the flee which oblivion represents in front the terrible rage for existence. Against the desire to leave no trace, Fabienne Perrier creates her art close to her way of feeling, accompanying such snapshots of poems that leave traces of her sensory flow. She sees light as a time vehicle and a means of expression, a language for the soul.

Why the light?

Light is the bridge between present (what we're seeing ), the past (what we know) and the future (what we'll be). Light reveals our reality about the things, about our world but it's just one of several realities. Light open different doors on parallel worlds, black holes where tell other stories. Light's talking to our unconscious.

One of series is called "Ephémère".What does the ephemeral condition mean to you?

The promise of eternity.

"Entre ciel et mer" is one of those pictures. Where is your soul from?

(smile) In this virtual space, real corridor where light meets life. I was born here.

"Le vent des dunes" series, is a kind of personnal mirage?

Ah "Le vent des dunes". It's an improvised meeting between light and wind. Yes, we can say it ! A personal mirage. I remember that the wind's South was here to tell me about desert. Perhaps, it wasn't a mirage, just a secret. I cherish this series.

Your freedom statement in "Liberation" goes from submission to release through reflection. What's the heart of oppression ?

Ignorance ! Rawness of mind, nescience of the body, blindness of sense of life, rudeness of emotions, ignorance of future. It is the cradle of the fright generating the oppression.

"Se laisser ravir par l'enchantement, sans mot dire". Are words often a problem ?

Yes, word is a real problem sometimes. How to find the "good word" to describe an emotion, this wave of pleasure, this glare, this dizziness? Love makes silly and speechless, isn't it?

Your present some square photos with colorful flowers inside "Le Square". Is that square just a window or a cage?

The both in fact. It's a daily window on the beauties of nature and a cage because this format is a challenge. How to show the colors in a "cube" ? in fact, it's an exercise. I nourish my look with it.

"A la naissance des mondes, je te raconterai loin de l' effort, de la fureur et du bruit". Are the end and that beginning at the same point?

Yes, a point break between end and beginning. A beautiful lightness chaos ! (Smile)

"Autre part" has a dreamy air. Are you dreaming in a world beyond this one?

This "somewhere" exists, I believe on it.

"Les anges se reconnaissent entre eux". Can they live among us?

No, they are inside us. We are all angels but lot of us ignore it. Only those who knows can recognize each other.

Could you give me just one more word?

Thank you. :)

Thanks to your inner light.


Interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Photos by Fabienne Perrier
All rights reserved