Democratic music

Much has happened since the initial Christina no cometió un error (Ya estás ya producciones, 2006), a tribute to Christina Rosenvinge. Since then, their naive and dancing sound has gone through other tributes like the one dedicated to Alaska in the album Terror en el cybermercado (Dorog records, 2010) and the triumphant Selva de Mar (Green Ufos, 2010). Themes living the youth night as Los chicos de ahora, playing with the synthesizers and vocoders, widening the boundaries of pop to the homemade art and get dressed to go out on a Saturday night. Pop mecánico, the joy of feeling the music that lifts the spirit, and questions like ¿Por qué? that remain forever in the wind. What’s next?.


Because YES and because it’s worth it.

Which one is your jungle of sea (Selva de mar)?

My lyrics, music, surprising things of the world, people and animals that cross in my life and the deconstruction of all that in my songs.

What does pop music mean to you?

It is the result of the democratization of music. Everyone can participate in it because it requires virtuosity nor is corseted in specific rules. This is what I enjoy most and accompanies me every day.

Which one is the way of today’s young guys?

Oh, the kids today are scared of commitment, if you want yours to be the last thing you can do is tell your parents want to know.

Why aren’t you able to see something dead?

Because I'm not mincing words, I am with you or without you. I do not like talking without saying anything.

Is the sky the same for everyone?

Yes, especially those who love and are far away.

Is solitude a divine treasure?

No, quite the opposite. Solitude is good for work, think, relax, but to become a surly is a real glanders. Although as they say "better alone than in bad company."

Could you tell me a color, a book, an álbum, a situation? ¿” Dime un color, un libro, un disco, una situación”?

-         Yellow
-         Oliver Twist
-         James Blake
-         A concert

What does love mean to you?

As I can, I consider myself a romantic at all. I would say I'm fairly traditional in this.

Tell me a story.

"On a golden afternoon, the quiet stream, paddling slowly sailed without decision. And who handle the oars awkward little arms in vain, and unable to straighten the steering hand "Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.


An interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Nitoniko website
Photo courtesy of Nitoniko