After the wake

La música es buena La música es buena is the brand new album by the Chilean songwriter Mariel Villagra under the name Mariel Mariel. A more electronic sound than her previous No me despierten! (Blue Seal, 2007) goes into the creation between hip hop, electro, house, rock and romantic song. Her personality is showing a greater vision, dispenses cover versions defending her original songs which walk through the routine of day and night. She leaves behind her guitar to dance on stage, but without abandoning the idea that instruments are the basis of everything in music. Mariel knows that music is to enjoy, reflect, critique, caress... the music is good.

Your previous album was called “No me despierten!”. Don’t you like reality?

I do not like routine or feel caught in a ring system of dreams and creative ideas. I get bored when everything starts to look or be guided by superficial visual trends. "No me despierten!" was my statement of rebellion, passion for risk, embarking on an art project by about success, in favor of self-knowledge and strengthen my office, hoping that in time this might communicate something that provides things.

This album opened with “Aconséjame” talking about contradiction between actions and words. Do you think there’s a lack of communitacion?

I feel that sometimes we lack language. To understand we must communicate with all the senses. Always in bad relations there are words and gestures abound. We always want to stop in time toxic relationships, namely to leave the obsessions. The body, mind and heart signals are fast, as we use our intelligence is the language to solve it.

“No puedo estar” is a song with a night atmosphere sound from dark streets and painful loneliness. “Sin cariño me enfermo”, you sing. Is to love to suffer?

No, love for me is to learn, to grow, giving your life and your energy to something fundamental and profound as this feeling is so powerful and so sensitive. Love is an art long school. There was a time when love was painful to me. The family, couple or myself love, it was always very difficult to love, but it's a great feeling so I chose to jump into the void for it, discover it, suffer it, tear it. I was brave to give everything.

“Sé” is more melancholic, it seems you accept a defeat. Is there no hope?

Hope is carried in ourselves and has been one of my columns. Losses and disappointments come from outside. "Sé” is my lesson of detachment and intuition. Some things do not work and it is better to say goodbye. One day we shine and the other fills the darkness, spinning in this universe. I'd rather be aware of this to give me a stumble or fall into depression.

Then everything turns in sweetness and seduction in “Quererte bine” with a kind of bossanova air, also you did in “La gata”. Where does your influence come from?

Sweet and seductive is South America, my side of the world. Beauty and melancholy are good ingredients to the moment of inspiration. I like being Latin and bring warmth on my skin. I love to have a bit of all races.

Did you grow up in a family linked to music?

Yes, my father is a musician. My father's parents are professors of literature and arts. As a child I lived it up close. Then my father went and stayed several years my mother, my sister and me. My mom was very young and two daughters live their youth with her was intense, but I like to have been, know it well. I became linked to music because it was growing in my inner world. I never imposed an artist, and meet goals or be better than anyone. Since childhood I liked to study and self discipline, not giving much trouble, I was always independent and looking forward to be of legal age to do what I felt like it without explanation.

Your new work is entitled “La música es buena”. What is your involvement in the composition, performance and production of the songs?

I wrote all the songs, music and lyrics. The production was conducted by Arturo Medina, Chilean with a large musical career in Mexico and pre-production was done by me along with Andrew Landon, Chilean-French musician who runs my band since “No me despierten!”. I try to be present in all facets of my music. On this album gave much freedom to the producer and I think at this stage of my career has been a contribution.

The track called “Experimento” is about fear, social conventions and personal relationships. Are you fearful?

I'm not afraid. Sometimes I am frightened by thunder or across the street, or when sizing the contrast of opportunities with which the lust for power in the world plays, but do not live in fear. Stop living in my country, one of the most stable and quiet corners of South America, to come and live in Mexico City, one of the most dangerous capitals, take me away from fear. I am willing to construct a life where I have to do it and start from scratch every time needed. “Experimento” is a message to many friends and people I've seen full of talent, but far from achieving its goals, filled with excuses that limit those desires. For fear, convenience or self-imposed barriers you miss many things, I prefer to experiment.

“Nos llevamos tan bien” with the help of Natalia Lafourcade. Looking much collaboration with other musicians?

When I was arrived in Mexico, I was fortunate to have around artists I admire such as Natalia, Leonel Garcia and Juan Manuel Torreblanca. You could say it was not a search, it was something spontaneous. I was looking for a course of life in a new country and they were clear signs of a way that invites you to explore. I like to collaborate, feel that we are building a new generation of Latin music, a hundred percent to exercise the profession of musician is what I am happy now living in Mexico.

Are you good?

I want to. I have a strong character, I am proud but I'm not stupid, so I quickly realize when I'm shitting and I apologize.

Her humility is not a common thing, neither is her perspective on her musical career, being aware of the difficulties but firm in the belief that the creative life is her life.


Text by Juan Carlos Romero
Photos by Simón Pais