Tama Ma : a life of dance | Documentary. Full view here

Tama Ma 

Okareka Dance Company

Act One: Pito

8min 16mm short dance film projected on stage without live performance.
Dancers: Taane Mete and Taiaroa Royal
Choreographers : Taiaroa Royal and Taane Mete in collaboration with Mark Summerville
Film Director: Mark Summerville
Film Producer: Heather Lee
Music Composition: Eden Mullholland/ Lindah Lepou

Act Two: Tama Ma

Dancers: Taiaroa Royal and Taane Mete
Choreographer: Douglas Wright
Music Composition: David Guerin realises piano recording from composer Provokiev.
The dramatic and almost tragic metamorphosis of femininity returning to masculinity. Drag queen's who lose their fabulousness to again become ordinary men. This act explores the emotional, physical and physiological characteristics of the drag queen and her regression back to a man.

Act Three: Rangatahi

Dancer: Taane Mete or Taiaroa Royal
Choreograher: Taiaroa Royal and Taane Mete
Music Composition: Eden Mulholland
A solo that remembers the connection to the whanau (family) and the iwi (tribe). It is a progression of the dance from childhood, danced by Taiaroa Royal, to adolescence, danced by Taane Mete.

Act Four: Hand to Hand

Dancers: Taane Mete and Taiaroa Royal
Choreographer: Michael Parmenter
This act centres on the issue of identity. Central to this issue is the polarity of being same or being different and the exploration of the tension contained in this polarity. The choreography will investigate the difficult territory between improvisation and set composition.

Act Five: Whanaungatanga

Dancers: Taiaroa Royal and Taane Mete

A return to spirituality and the importance of whanau ( family). This act pays homage to the fathers of Taane and Tai, both whom have passed away. A moving piece that see both men reflect on the important life lessons learnt from their fathers' tautoko (support) and korero (talking, speaking).

Video by Okareka Dance Company
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