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Soul inside out

Thoas Lindner, fashion designer, sculptor, writer, model, dancer, shapes his soul in many forms, from a white rainbow to a firesnake, and shows it us through his many artistic works. After working for others labels, he has created his own one with an unisex collection in which he mixes fashion, sculpture and poetry, a timeless work in which past and future share shape and space. He has already published three poetry books, the last one The comeback of let go released last December which was presented by actors reading his poems surrounded by an art and jewelry exhibition. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Monsieur Blanc of arts.

What is art for you?

A manifestation of the very personal present that turns the soul inside out.

How does fashion design fit in that concept?

For me fashion is also a state of the moment. The industry is so fast, you are always on the run with a new collection. I am never finished with something. It is always just a snapshot of the current moment.

It has been always polemic the inclusion of fashion creators exhibitions in the museums. What do you think about it?

I think that it is actually a good thing to put also fashion in a museum, because I also see fashion as an element of art. Especially in Germany fashion could have a higher rating, it is not only creative industry or an option to cover your naked body, it should get more acceptance as an element of art.

When one clicks on the “about” section on your website it suddenly appears the sentence “I AM (maybe the most powerful words, for what you put after them, shapes your reality)”. Do you really know who are you? Is it possible to know it?

I think that this is what life is about, to collect experiences, to understand yourself. To find out who you are. It is not only one thing that I AM, there are different shades, that define everybody.

First thing we read is you are “a white rainbow” and the last one “lover”.Why?

I found that sentence "I am a white rainbow" , when I was in India in 2014, writing my poetry book "The comeback of let go". It is the answer for the question, Why I wear strictly white clothing since almost 4 years. And Lover, because I think its better to be a Lover, than being a Hater.

What do you look for in your fashion designs?

I am very interested in discovering pieces that are based on very simple ideas, sometimes with only one fissure, but making an amazing shape with different possibilities of wearing it. Also I am interested to make pieces that fit both, men and women.

As you say in your website, right now you are working on fashion design, sculpture and poetry. Do you find any link between them?

Since this three elements come from my inside, I think there is already a link between them. I am using my words to put on the clothes, the sculptures for the presentations, words on sculptures, clothing on sculptures, words on skin for photoshoots. Its a big mix of everything that defines my universe.

Your sculpting work is always around the human body so somehow there’s an obvious link with the fashion design. What do you find so inspiring in human body?

I see the body just as the physical container for the soul. There are many different variations of it, but in the end its just the body, and its not endless. Souls are infinite. And with my clothing I try to emphazise the soul. I am more interested in souls, than in bodies.

“Liebe sich wer kann” (Love yourself if you can). Can’t you?

Definitly I can. But sometimes you have to learn again and again to love yourself. Sometimes we are loosing the way. I think everything starts with "Love Yourself" .If you are not able to love yourself, you can not love someone else.

One of the words you use to define yourself is “dreamer”. Could you tell us a dream you have had while sleeping?

Yes, I had a crazy dream few days ago. I was hanging around with Michael Jackson in a Diner, and some fans asked him for signed cards (autogrammkarten) . So Michael asked me if I could do that for him with some of my lyrics.

An interview by Juan Carlos Romero
Photo courtesy of Thoas Lindner
Video shot and edited by Dariuz Voltra
Music by Dariuz Voltra
All rights reserved